Title should be 30 charecter.
HTML or plain text allowed, no emoji This field is used for search, so please be descriptive!
Course Settings
Number of students that can enrol in this course. Set 0 for no limits.
Course difficulty level
Make This Course Public. No enrollment required.
Enable Q&A section for your course

Enable / Disable content drip

Content Drip Type

You can schedule your course content using the above content drip options.

Course Price

This Course is free for everyone.

Choose Categories
Course Thumbnail
file image
Size: 700x430 pixels,File Support: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, WEBP

Select Video Sources

Enter for per line.
Enter for per line.


Maximum of 15 keywords covering features, usage, and styling. Keywords should all be in lowercase and separated by commas. e.g. photography, gallery, modern, jquery, wordpress theme.

Specify the target audience that will benefit the most from the course.

Course Upload Tips

  • Set the Course Price option or make it free.
  • Standard size for the course thumbnail is 700x430.
  • Video section controls the course overview video.
  • Course Builder is where you create & organize a course.
  • Add Topics in the Course Builder section to create lessons, quizzes, and assignments.
  • Prerequisites refers to the fundamental courses to complete before taking this particular course.
  • Information from the Additional Data section shows up on the course single page.